Member Benefits
Atlanta Black Nurses Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 87117
College Park, Georgia 30337
As a member of the Atlanta Black Nurses Association, Inc.(ABNA) and the National Black Nurses Association, Inc. (NBNA), you enjoy the following benefits:
Online NBNA News, the association's quarterly newsletter
Subscription to the Journal of the National Black Nurses Association, a bi-annual published professional refereed journal
Online Job Career Centre
NBNA website:
Direct electronic mailing on nursing and health care issues
Online Conference Registration
Online Store - Coming Soon
Position Papers on important issues impacting the health care of African Americans
Association partnerships with federal and national organizations
Continuing education contact hours for licensure
A unified voice for the profession of nursing in Washington to address public policy
Networking with African American nurses from around the country, the Caribbean, Canada, and West Africa
The NBNA Scholarship and Awards Program -- NBNA offers scholarships to all levels of nursing students to continue and complete their nursing education
Leadership opportunities through committees and task forces
Speaking engagements at national and local conferences, Congressional Black Caucus Health Brain Trust, National Medical Association Health Policy Colloquium, National Minority Quality Forum.
Webinars, CE and Non-CEU
External Advisory Committee Appointments
Participate in NBNA's National Initiatives on Violence Prevention, Global Health, Mentorship, and Brain Health.
NBNA Lifetime Membership is $2,000.00 – payable in four instalments over a one-year period.
Benefits include:
Complimentary conference registration in the year that the final payment is made
Receive the Early Bird registration for future conferences
New Lifetime Membership Certificate, Portfolio and a premium gift
Listed on the NBNA Lifetime Members Plaque
Listed in the NBNA Conference Souvenir Program annually
Listed on the NBNA website
Special recognition at the Closing Session of the NBNA Annual Conference honouring our Lifetime Members
Special seating for all Lifetime Members at the Closing Session of the NBNA Annual Conference
Member News
Define the health care needs of the community
Provide health education to the community
Provide assistance to needy families
Provide scholarships to students pursuing a career in nursing
Disseminate information on the contributions of nurses to the nursing profession
Conduct/participate in research
Increase membership on local and national levels
Design and conduct an annual health fair at local church sites
Plan and implement community-wide health promotion activities
Global Health
Community Outreach
Define the health care needs of the community
Provide health education to the community
Design and conduct an annual health fair at local church sites
Plan and implement community-wide health promotion activities
Increase membership on the local and national levels
Nursing Education
Define the health care needs of the community
Provide health education to the community
Design and conduct an annual health fair at local church sites
Plan and implement community-wide health promotion activities
Increase membership on the local and national levels
Provide assistance to needy families
Increase membership on the local and national levels
Conduct/participate in research
Increase membership on the local and national levels